curious about My Values?
I believe vocational liberation practices begin with the recognition that being a healer within oppressive systems is complex. Systems of harm (Ableist, patriarchal, capitalist, white supremicist, classist, cis/heteronormative, etc.) are designed to both hold collective harm in place and deplete and incapacitate healers. These systems extract from traditional healing practices, sell an appropriated form of the medicine back to the lineage holders while simultaneously invalidating their efficacy. Healers are isolated through the illusion of competition and the homogenization of modality. Kind and sensitive souls are at higher risk for burnout and vicarious trauma.
Oppressive ideologies embodied through individuals allow systems of harm to masquerade as systems of healing. It can take consistent discernment and differentiation to reclaim your medicine.
Authentically offering healing work means being able to recognize, differentiate and liberate yourself from places where you’ve embodied places of oppression. This is brave and difficult work that takes time and layers of support to rebuild your relationship with ways of giving and receiving that aren’t depleting.
I believe that integrity, honesty, choice and confidentiality are vital principles in the relational field. I believe that trust gets developed over time and proving oneself to be trustworthy is more realistic than asking to be trusted. I approach each session with curiosity and ‘no expectation’ of how the time will unfold.
I trust in the inherent intelligence the the body, most especially in the necessary protection of the body’s security system. There is no formula or repeated set of steps that are followed for sessions.
I believe that our bodies are inherited, microcosmic and portals to your most creative gifts.
You exist within a lineage that has persevered. What your people embodied is embodied within you. Ancestral blessings, burdens and unfinished business often come with default settings within your body’s security system that need to be met and survival wisdom which needs to be honored before you can fully step into your vocation.
We are nature - a polyrhythmic microcosm. The minerals that make up the earth, make up our bones. There is tidal fluid exchange, spiraling vortices fluid that mirror the the rivers and estuaries reflected back to you in nature. Breath moves, visceral organs have inherent motility.
Your heart has the potential to be the portal to your most creative and abundant gifts and the deepest core of your knowing and belonging.
As we are able to spend (even a little) time building our capacity to be with, notice and to allow ourselves to exist within the context of the larger fields that we exist within, we begin to create the conditions to allow the frozen, hiding or disappeared parts of ourselves to reemerge. Enjoyment is possible.